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Here are some fun ways to incorporate Halloween into your virtual classroom!
1- Costume Day

Tell your students to come to class in their costumes! You, too! It will be so fun to see everyone in their costumes and for them to see their teacher in one too. This is one way to humanize remote learning. We may be far away, yet, I guarantee you will see a smile on your students' faces once they show off their costume and see everyone else's too. Check out our printable costume certificates!
2- Printables
There are many ways to incorporate printables in your virtual classroom. One way is to send your students downloadable masks. They can print them out and color them in! Check out our Halloween printables. We have handwriting exercises, printable décor, costume awards, and more.
3- Décor

Imagine teaching your students from that desk?
You can even send your students printables to decorate their own backgrounds. Having a festive background helps humanize your virtual classroom. If you've already bought Halloween décor for your in-person classroom, there's no reason to not use it for your virtual set it instead!
4- Recipes

Recipes can be a great hands-on experiment. You can partner them with a math class, or partner them with an English class when teaching transitions (first, second, third, then, finally). Check out our favorite kid-friendly recipes!
5- Scavenger Hunt

Download our scavenger hunt printables. This is a great activity to get your kids moving outside of the virtual classroom.
6- Movies:

There are plenty of Halloween movie marathons happening all October long. FreeForm has a month long 31 Nights of Halloween marathon.
7- Class Cinematography

This is our favorite! Make a class Halloween movie! Each student will record their own part at home (or backyard, or park, or forest, or ... you get the idea). Then you can put all the parts together using video editing (check out this list of the easiest and free video editing programs) and voila! This can be done in so many different ways. Check out our blog post specifically about making a socially distant class movie!
8- Virtual Field Trips

There is one perk to remote learning- Virtual Field Trips! In ordinary circumstances, what are the chances we'd get to take our students to Salem, Massachusetts for a day trip during Halloween? I'd say slim to none (unless your school is nearby). Below is the Salem website with a fantastic list of virtual trips. Hint: There's information on the Salem Witch Trials, Psychic Readings if you want to have fun, Ghost Adventures (which is similar to Elf on the Shelf), virtual walking tours, virtual lectures, and even a coloring book! There's plenty of virtual field trips for all age groups and student levels. Link here: https://www.salem.org/virtualsalem/