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Keeping Healthy From Behind The Screen

Writer: Lexicom Lexicom

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

Are your eyes starting to hurt from staring at a computer screen all day? Does it feel like it has been days since you've been outside? While using technology, our heath is still important. Here are some tips and tools to use while working from home.

1- Eye Strain

Computer Vision Syndrome otherwise known as CVS or Digital Eye Strain is an unfortunate factor of working behind the screen. It could be caused by improper lighting, wrong viewing distances, poor posture, vision problems, a glare on your screen, etc. We can help reduce eye strain by following the 20-20-20 rule. This rule is one of the most important rules for reducing eye strain and for overall eye health while working on a tech screen. After 20 minutes (of looking at a screen) focus on something 20 feet away (this relaxes the eye muscles), for at least 20 seconds. There are apps you can download to remind you to do this.

2- Reduce Blue Light

Blue light in some studies has been said to cause Macular Degeneration. Moreover, blue light protection is exceptionally important for our young learners. Studies have proven that before age 25 (some sources state 14) human eyes lack the pigment that helps absorb and filter out things such as blue light. What can we do? For starters we can get a pair of blue light filtering glasses. These glasses have a tinted lens that help reduce the absorption of blue light. You can also buy a blue light reducing screen cover (for laptop, computer, T.V., and cell phone screens). Check out our post about blue light-we discuss what it is and its affects. Read our post dedicated to blue light here.

3- Headaches

Headaches while working from home can come from a number of sources. Eye strain, stress, neck strain, prolonged use of headphones. Again use the 20-20-20 rule as mentioned above. In addition, limiting caffeine and increasing our water intake can help curb headaches. Fluorescent lighting can also trigger headaches, so if possible, switch your lights to something a bit more natural.

4- Standing Desk

Get up off that chair! The Mayo Clinic reports: "Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking". Switch to a standing desk if possible- or make one of your own! Check out this one from Walmart for just over $20.

5- Monitor Placement

Where you place your home screen in relation to where you sit is also important for keeping healthy while working from a desk. Placing your monitor too far down causes strain on the neck (and eyes) and worsens our posture. The position of the computer screen should not have us tilting our head, neck, or slumping down in any way. If the screen is too close it will cause eye strain (ocular accommodation). You want the monitor at least an arm's length far from you. You also want the address bar (the www. part) to be eye-level with you.

6- Stretches

Schedule a workout or a "stretch out" time. Get up at least once every hour and walk away from your computer. Sitting all day is back for our back and blood circulation. Staring at a screen strains our neck and eyes. Get movin'! Set a short (or longer) routine for stretching and general exercise. Get that circulation flowing!

7- Make a Separate Work Area

If your living arrangements allow, make a separate work area. Not only does this separate work from personal life, but, if you have a designated work space it helps to switch on 'work mode' once in it. It also helps to keep all your paperwork, electronics, and work supplies all in the same place. Making a clear separation from work to life is key for mental health.

8- Set Schedule Limits

Working from home, it can be difficult to set screen time hours. This means many of us are checking emails, responding to messages, and even doing overtime when we don't realize it. Put a limit on your schedule. Mental health is important and burnout is not fake. Don't drive yourself mad working 24/7. It's easy to leave work at the office- when your home isn't the office. Please keep in mind: leave work for working hours when working from home: work intentionally.

9- Have an Open Rapport With your Work

When I was working from home for a foreign online education company, one of the most stressful things about my job was the lack of communication and direction from those above. Please reach out to colleagues, or employees to make sure you are all on the same page. Reach out to your boss if things are overwhelming or they seem to demand more hours than usual just because you are working from home.

Let us know how you keep healthy from behind the computer screen! Comment below!



Lexicom|Language Lessons



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