#handwriting #calligraphy #notetaking #studygram #education #type #typing #keyboard #laptop #digital #onlineschool #distancelearning #penandpaper #retention #focus

Notebook versus Wordpad: who wins? The notebook of course! We've all heard "Handwritten notes are better", but do we know why? Typing is increasingly the go-to choice of students for their notetaking. It's easy, accessible, there's no flipping pages or messy pens. That being said: What is easier is not always better.
Writing by hand causes us to slow down and actually absorb the information. This is because we must process and screen the information in order to see what is worth writing down. Also while writing we actively are aware of the words we are using and therefore match the meaning with the letters/words we are using. Although typing could at times be easier, and is indeed faster, this is why it is not as effective for absorbing the information. Typing is done without intention and is somewhat robotic. In short, we are on auto-pilot when typing and are actively engaged while writing notes by hand.
Which do you prefer: handwritten notes or typed? Leave a comment below and let us know!